Lesson 12: Jesus Heals People

Classroom: Full Lesson Preschool Leader Guide for Ages 3-6
Luke 4:38-40; 5:12-16

Teachers Dig In


Dig In to the Bible

  • Read: Luke 4:38-40; 5:12-16
  • In This Passage: When Simon’s mother-in-law is sick with a terrible fever, Jesus heals her. She gets up right away, completely healed. Then people bring Jesus other people who have a lot of different diseases, and Jesus heals them just by touching them. Later, a leper begs Jesus to heal him, and Jesus does. Jesus heals us!
  • Bible Point: Jesus heals us.
  • Summary Verse: “No matter what their diseases were, the touch of his hand healed every one” (Luke 4:40).


Dig Deeper

  • You’ll Be Teaching: Jesus heals us. This point may be a little confusing to some kids. They may have lost loved ones who were not healed despite prayers asking for healing. Help kids understand that Jesus can heal anyone of anything, but he’s not a vending machine that will always give us what we want.
  • Think About: What’s one way you need physical healing? emotional healing? What does being healed mean to you?


Dig In to Prayer

  • Think of the kids in your class who are suffering from physical or emotional problems. Pray for Jesus to bring healing in their lives.


Quick Tip

  • When you need to form pairs or groups, use creative ways to help build new relationships. You could form groups based on the first letter of kids’ first, middle, or last names. Or you could use birthdays, color of clothing, type of pets, or similar characteristics.

This Lesson at a Glance

Opening[ 5 min ]

Preschoolers share about a topic related to the lesson.


  • Bible

Music Video [ 10 min ]

Preschoolers sing songs of praise to God.


  • “Hope in the Lord” (Psalm 33:20) music video (watch or download here)
  • “His Great Love” (Romans 5:8) music video (watch or download here)
  • “God Loves Us So” music video (watch or download here)

Craft [ 20 min ]

Preschoolers make care packages for sick people.


  • “Hand” handout (1 copy) (download here)*
  • “Person” handout (1 copy for every 4 kids) (download here)*
  • “Encouragement Card” handout (1 copy for every 4 kids) (download here)
  • paper lunch sacks
  • adhesive bandages
  • colorful tissue paper
  • glue sticks
  • crayons
  • stickers
  • individually wrapped cough drops
  • peppermint or ginger tea bags
  • individually wrapped mints

Easy Prep

  • Make a sample craft to show kids.
  • Tear several pieces of tissue paper for your youngest preschoolers.
  • Cut apart the “Encouragement Card” handouts so every child gets one card.

Core Bible Discovery [ 20 min ]

Preschoolers pretend to be sick and bring people to Jesus.


  • Bible
  • “Hand” handout (1 copy) (download here)*
  • “Person” handout (1 copy for every 4 kids) (download here)*
  • crayons
  • tape

Easy Prep

  • Hang the “Hand” handout on the wall.
  • Cut apart the “Person” handout so each child has one outline of a person.

Talk-About Video [ 10 min ]

Preschoolers watch a video and discuss the Bible Point.


  • “Von’s Story” teaching video (watch or download here)

Preschool Puppet Skit [ 10 min ]

Recommended for preschoolers.


  • Theophilus the FaithRetriever™ Puppet (order here)
  • tissue
  • dog bone
  • ace bandage
  • cough drop
  • bag to carry the dog bone, ace bandage, and cough drop

Easy Prep

  • Place the dog bone, ace bandage, and cough drop in the bag. Attach the bag to one of Theo’s paws.

Object Lesson [ 10 min ]

Preschoolers see a balloon inflate in an amazing way.


  • distilled white vinegar
  • baking soda
  • empty water bottle
  • uninflated balloon
  • permanent marker
  • funnel

Easy Prep

  • Pour 1 to 2 inches of distilled white vinegar into the empty water bottle.
  • Inflate the balloon, but don’t tie it off. Use the marker to draw a fairly detailed face on the balloon, and then let the air out of the balloon.
  • Use the funnel to fill the limp balloon halfway with baking soda, and then set it aside.

Deeper Bible [ 15 min ]

Preschoolers sing a song and play a game.


High-Energy Game [ 10 min ]

Preschoolers play a version of Duck, Duck, Goose.


Low-Energy Game [ 10 min ]

Preschoolers search for bandages.


  • adhesive bandages (at least 1 per child)

Easy Prep

  • Hide the adhesive bandages around the room.

Life Application Wrap-Up [ 5 min ]

Preschoolers pray for others who are sick.


  • adhesive bandages
  • “Hand” handout (1 copy) (download here)*
  • “Person” handout (1 copy for every 4 kids) (download here)*

Take-Home [ 0 min ]

Preschoolers receive a take-home page about the lesson.


  • this week’s “Dig In @ Home” handout (1 per child) (download here)

Easy Prep

  • Add your church announcements to the “Dig In @ Home” handout.

*Marked supplies are also used in Core Bible Discovery

Let's keep kids safe! You can help by using supplies as instructed for only ages 3+, purchasing child-safe items, and being aware of allergy concerns.

Opening [5 min]



  • Bible


          Thank kids for coming.

          Just for fun, have kids high-five three of their friends.

          Make announcements.

          Introduce new kids.

          Celebrate birthdays by having preschoolers whisper the “Happy Birthday” song.

          Collect the offering.


Introduce the Lesson

          Say: Today we’ll learn how Jesus helped some sick and hurt people in the Bible. He healed them! That means he made them all better. Jesus heals us, too! He can make us better when we’re sick or hurt.



          Tell about a boo-boo you have had.

          In small groups, have preschoolers tell about their boo-boos.



          Open a Bible, and say: Today we’ll learn how Jesus helps our boo-boos. We’ll learn what it means that Jesus heals us. Let’s look in the Bible to find out. The Bible isn’t like other books; it’s God’s special book. The Bible is one way God shows us what he and Jesus can do. Let’s see what Jesus can do to heal us and help us when we’re sick or hurt.

          Pray, thanking Jesus that he can heal us.

Music Video [10 min]

Hope in the Lord


  • “Hope in the Lord” (Psalm 33:20) music video (watch or download here)
  • “His Great Love” (Romans 5:8) music video (watch or download here)
  • “God Loves Us So” music video (watch or download here)



Sing Songs to God

          Sing the three songs in any order.

Craft [20 min]

Healing Care Packages


  • “Hand” handout (1 copy) (download here)*
  • “Person” handout (1 copy for every 4 kids) (download here)*
  • “Encouragement Card” handout (1 copy for every 4 kids) (download here)
  • paper lunch sacks
  • adhesive bandages
  • colorful tissue paper
  • glue sticks
  • crayons
  • stickers
  • individually wrapped cough drops
  • peppermint or ginger tea bags
  • individually wrapped mints

Easy Prep

  • Make a sample craft to show kids.
  • Tear several pieces of tissue paper for your youngest preschoolers.
  • Cut apart the “Encouragement Card” handouts so every child gets one card.


Decorate the Bag

          Have the children gather around the “Hand” handout and the “Person” handouts you hung on the wall during Core Bible Discovery. Say: Today we’re learning that Jesus can heal sick and hurting people. In our Bible lesson, you all shared about someone who is sick or hurting. Point to the “Person” handouts. Being sick is no fun. It can make your tummy hurt, make you feel really tired, and even give you a headache or sore throat. And when you’re really sick, you can feel even worse!

          Let’s make care packages for the people we know who are sick or hurt. Care packages are special gifts that we make for someone to make them feel better. If the children weren’t able to think of someone who is sick or hurting during the Bible activity, they can make a care package to save and give to someone in the future.

          Say: To start, we need something to hold all the things we’ll put in our care packages.

          Give each child a paper lunch sack.

          Say: We’re going to decorate these bags with tissue paper. Have preschoolers tear the tissue paper into small pieces and then glue the pieces onto the paper sack as a mosaic. (Give pre-torn tissue paper pieces to younger preschoolers if needed.) As preschoolers work, remind them that Jesus can heal people who are sick or hurt. Ask them to talk about other people they know who’ve been really sick.



          Say: Next, let’s fill the care packages with things that will help people feel better.

          Have preschoolers color the encouragement cards. As they work, talk to them about how when someone we know is sick, we can send them flowers and we can draw them pictures to let them know we love them. They get to do both with their flower pictures.

          Say: Sometimes sick people get sore throats. Have kids each put a cough drop in their bag.

          Say: Sometimes people get a bad taste in their mouths if they have a cold or they’re sick to their stomachs. Have kids each put a mint in their bag.

          Say: Sometimes people can have tummy aches when they’re sick. Tea can help them feel better. Have kids each put a tea bag in their bag.

          Say: Sometimes when people get hurt, they need a bandage to help heal the cut. Have kids each put an adhesive bandage in their bag.

          Say: Our friends or family can use all these things in our care packages when they’re sick or hurt, whether they use them right now or they save them for when they need it. They’ll definitely feel loved when they get these special care packages from us.

          Help preschoolers fold over the tops of the bags, and give each child a sticker to keep the bag closed.


Talk About It

          Ask: • What helps you feel better when you’re sick?

          Say: I hope our care packages help people who are sick feel better. We can’t heal people. But we know that Jesus healed a lot of people in the Bible. Jesus can heal us, too! Let’s pray that Jesus will heal the people who get our care packages.

          Lead kids in praying for the recipients of the care packages.

Core Bible Discovery [20 min]

Jesus Heals People (Luke 4:38-40; 5:12-16)


  • Bible
  • “Hand” handout (1 copy) (download here)*
  • “Person” handout (1 copy for every 4 kids) (download here)*
  • crayons
  • tape

Easy Prep

  • Hang the “Hand” handout on the wall.
  • Cut apart the “Person” handout so each child has one outline of a person.

Talk About It

          Say: Today we’ll hear about some people who were really sick or hurt.

          Tell kids about a time you were really sick and how you got well.

          Ask: • Tell about a time you were really sick. Help kids think of times their heads or tummies hurt or when they had bad colds.

          Say: It’s no fun to be sick! Show the Bible. But the Bible tells us about some sick people that Jesus helped. Let’s see what he did.


Feel Feverish

          Say: Jesus went over to his friend Simon’s house and found that Simon’s mother-in-law was very sick. She had a fever.

          Ask: • What does it feel like to have a fever? Although many children will remember a time they had a fever, some may not. Help preschoolers remember that a fever can make our heads and tummies hurt, it can make us feel chilly even though our parents say our skin feels hot, and it can make our bodies feel icky all over.

          Say: Sometimes when we have a fever, we even feel dizzy! Let’s see what that feels like.

          Have kids spin in circles for about one minute or until they feel really dizzy.

          Have kids lie down.

          Say: Sometimes when we’re sick, we feel better just by resting. Resting will probably help you feel not so dizzy right now. But Simon’s mother-in-law wasn’t getting better even while she rested. So people asked Jesus to heal her. That means they asked Jesus to make her not be sick anymore. And he did! All he did was stand by her bed and tell the fever to leave. And do you know what happened? The fever left right away! And the Bible says that she got right up, felt better, and made some food for everyone.

          Tell whether you’d want to get right up and make food after being sick, and then tell something else that you’d want to do after being sick. 

          Ask: • What are some things you’d want to do after getting better from being sick? If kids have trouble thinking of things, suggest that they might want to go outside, see their friends, or play a favorite game that they couldn’t play when they were sick.


Bring Sick People to Jesus

          Say: After Jesus healed Simon’s mother-in-law, other people found out that Jesus could help them get better, too. Many people heard that Jesus heals us. And they wanted Jesus’ healing, too! They wanted Jesus to make them better like he made Simon’s mother-in-law better. And that same night, all kinds of people came to Jesus with their sick mommies, daddies, sisters, brothers, and other family. And no matter what their sickness was, when Jesus touched them with his hand, they got better! Jesus healed them, and Jesus can heal our family and friends, too.

          Give each child an outline from the “Person” handout and a crayon. Say: Maybe you’re sick or hurt. Or maybe someone you know is sick or hurt. Mention some things that people they know could be sick with. For example, maybe someone has a cold, the flu, or is in the hospital. Or maybe they know someone who broke a bone or often has headaches or stomachaches or other pains in their bodies.

          After the children have thought about someone with a sickness or hurt, have them each color on the “Person” handout where the person is sick or hurt. Help the children know where to color, or have them color over the whole body. Allow time.

          Say: Now let’s bring our sick friends to Jesus, just like the people in the Bible did. Remember, when Jesus touched them with his hand, they were healed and made better. Have kids bring their “Person” handouts up to the “Hand” handout, and help them tape them on or around the hand.

          Encourage each child to tell about the person he or she put on the wall. After the children share, lead them in praying: Jesus, we know you can heal all these people. We ask you to make them better. In your name, amen.

          Say: We don’t know if Jesus will heal everyone you prayed about. But we know he can, because Jesus heals us.

          Leave the “Hand” handout and “Person” handouts up on the wall for use later in the Life Application Wrap-Up activity.


Leprosy Tag

          Say: After Jesus healed all the people who came to him that night, people all over started to hear about Jesus’ power to heal and make sick people better. So when Jesus left Simon’s house and went to a new town, he met another sick man who wanted his help.

          The Bible says the man bowed with his face to the ground. Show the children what it looks like to bow with your face to the ground, and have them copy you.

          Say: The man begged Jesus to heal him. He might have said to Jesus, “Please, please, pretty please, help me!”

          The man was very sick with something called leprosy. This sickness made his skin icky with sores, and no one wanted to touch him or be close to him.

          A lot of times when we’re sick, people can’t touch us or be near us because it might make them sick, too. Let’s play a game to help us think about that.

          Have the children play a classic game of Tag. The person who is “It” has the sickness, so the other children don’t want to be near him or her. If tagged, the new child becomes It. Play until all, or a large majority of children, have been It.

          Ask: • What did it feel like when you were It and no one wanted to get close to you? Help the children talk about their feelings. They might say they felt sad, alone, or like they would never be able to tag someone.

          Say: When you were It, no one wanted to touch you, and everyone wanted to stay away from you. The man with leprosy knew what that was like. No one wanted to be around him at all. But Jesus didn’t mind being near him. Jesus even touched the man! And when he did, the man wasn’t sick anymore! Jesus always wants to be with you, too, even when you’re sick or hurt. Jesus wants to help you, and Jesus can heal you!

          Find out if any of the children in your group are currently sick or hurt, and if they are, lead the group in a prayer for Jesus to be with them and to heal them.

          Say: Just like Jesus healed all those people—he healed Simon’s mother-in-law, all the people who came to Simon’s house, and the man with leprosy—Jesus can heal you. Jesus is amazing! After Jesus healed the man with leprosy, more and more people came to Jesus to be healed because they knew Jesus heals us.

Talk-About Video [10 min]

Von’s Story


  • “Von’s Story” teaching video (watch or download here)



Discuss and Watch “Von’s Story”

          Say: In the Bible story today we learned about a lot of different people who were healed by Jesus. We’ve all had experiences where Jesus has healed us from a cold or the flu or a cut or even a broken bone. But what about when someone is really sick…super sick? Is Jesus powerful enough to heal someone who is super sick? Let’s hear from a boy named Von to find out.

          Watch “Von’s Story.”

          Ask: • Do you know anyone who has leukemia or another kind of cancer? Let any kids who do know someone tell a little bit about that person. If you know someone who has cancer, you can share as well.

          Say: It’s really scary to be that sick, and as we heard from Von, the medicine you have to take might taste really bad or it might have to go into your body with a needle. It took Von a few years to get better, and he said he still is not all the way back to being strong—but he is improving.

          Ask: • If you have a friend or family member who is very, very sick, what could you do to help that person feel better?

          Have kids share their ideas in groups of three, and then invite a few of the kids to share their ideas with the larger group.

          Say: Von’s family shared a few ideas like talking to God, talking to a friend, or giving a hug. Those aren’t too hard! It can mean a lot to someone who is really sick to know that someone else is praying for them and asking Jesus to heal them or wants to give them a hug.

          We know that Jesus heals us, and it’s great to hear from Von and know that God is healing him!

Preschool Puppet Skit [10 min]

Theo Cares for the Leader


  • Theophilus the FaithRetriever™ Puppet (order here)
  • tissue
  • dog bone
  • ace bandage
  • cough drop
  • bag to carry the dog bone, ace bandage, and cough drop

Easy Prep

  • Place the dog bone, ace bandage, and cough drop in the bag. Attach the bag to one of Theo’s paws.


  • Before printing, turn on page numbering in Word to keep the pages in order (or simply hand-number each page after printing). You may also find it helpful to highlight your part and set the script on a music stand nearby during the skit.


Leader: It’s time for our puppy friend, Theo, to come for a visit. Let’s call him to our class with a “woof, woof.” Ready? (Leads kids to bark until Theo is brought into view.)


Theo: Hello, friends. (Speaks seriously and paces back and forth.) I have an itch right here. (Points to his head.) Would you give me a scratch? (Circulates among kids so each child can pet him.)


Leader: Thanks… (Sneezes and wipes nose with a tissue.) Excuse me! What I was saying is, thanks for welcoming Theo, friends.


Theo: It sounds like you’re sick. I’m glad I brought my bag today.


Leader: I’m okay, Theo. It was just a sneeze, but thank you!


Theo: I really think I should take a look. (Looks to kids.) And since all of you have been here while your leader has been sneezing, I’d better check you out, too.


Leader: If you must, Theo.


Theo: (Acts like a doctor, randomly checking leader and kids for sickness or injuries. Looks in mouths and ears, moves kids arms and legs to bend and straighten, knocks on kids’ backs with his paw, and so on.)


Leader: Did you find anything?


Theo: (Takes out the cough drop using his mouth.) I think this will help you.


Leader: But I only sneezed once and didn’t cough.


Theo: Trust me. (Concentrating, pulls out the bone using his mouth.) I think this will help you. (Gives the bone to a child, and then drops out the ace bandage by tipping over the bag.) And this will help you. (Puts down the bag. Begins to wrap one child’s ankle using his mouth.)


Leader: (Collects the objects Theo handout out.) We really appreciate your help, Theo. But we’ll all be okay. Today we’re even learning in the Bible that Jesus heals us.


Theo: (Looks around and then sighs.) Phew! I’m so glad that Jesus heals because I really didn’t know what I was doing.


Leader: (Chuckles.) Then why did you think you needed to do that?


Theo: I care about you all, and I just wanted to help.


Leader: Aw, Theo! You’re sweet! Kids, I think Theo deserves a hug. (Leads kids to hug Theo.)


Theo: Thank you! But you’re sure that Jesus heals?


Leader: In the Bible Jesus healed all kinds of people, and Jesus can heal any one of us, too. It may not be how we expect him to heal us, but he’ll take care of us for sure.


Theo: That’s good news! I think I’m going to take these things back to my mom’s medicine cabinet then…just in case.


Leader: Sounds good, Theo. We’ll see you later! Friends, let’s give Theo a “woof, woof, goodbye”! (Leads kids in a “woof, woof, goodbye,” and then places Theo out of sight.)

Object Lesson [10 min]

Revive the Balloon Man


  • distilled white vinegar
  • baking soda
  • empty water bottle
  • uninflated balloon
  • permanent marker
  • funnel

Easy Prep

  • Pour 1 to 2 inches of distilled white vinegar into the empty water bottle.
  • Inflate the balloon, but don’t tie it off. Use the marker to draw a fairly detailed face on the balloon, and then let the air out of the balloon.
  • Use the funnel to fill the limp balloon halfway with baking soda, and then set it aside.

Revive the Balloon Man

          Say: Today we heard how Jesus helped many people. He healed a sick woman so she wasn’t sick anymore. He healed a lot of sick and hurt people so they would get better. Jesus heals people today, too.

          Twist the end of the balloon so the baking soda doesn’t leak out. Hold it upright, and show kids the face on the balloon.

          Say: This balloon man is sick, too. He has no air in him, and that makes him sad. Balloon men always like to have air to fill them and make them big and round. Let’s see if we can help him get some air.

          Without letting any of the baking soda get into the bottle, carefully place the end of the balloon fully over the mouth of the water bottle.

          Say: When Jesus made the people better, it was a big surprise. No one could heal people without Jesus’ help. It was really special and amazing—kind of like this:

          Hold the balloon upright so all the baking soda falls into the bottle at once. Be sure to keep the end of the balloon fully covering the opening of the water bottle by holding the balloon tightly at the mouth of the bottle. The reaction of the vinegar and the baking soda will cause the balloon to fill with air. When the balloon is inflated, remove it from the bottle, pinching the end and tying it off to keep it inflated.


Talk About It

          Ask: • What did you think of how our balloon man filled with air?

          Say: It was really neat to see how the balloon man filled with air. We made the balloon man happy because he didn’t have any air in him and now he does. Jesus did some amazing things, too.

          Ask: • When Jesus made the sick people in our Bible story better, what did you think of how they felt?


Sing and Play

            Say: Let’s sing a song to celebrate how Jesus heals us, kind of like how we helped the balloon man.

          Have kids sit in a circle. If you already did the Deeper Bible activity, review this song with kids while they bop the balloon man around the circle. If you didn’t already do the Deeper Bible activity, teach kids these lyrics to the tune of “Do You Know the Muffin Man?” before singing the song with the balloon-bopping game. Play as time allows.


          Sing: Do you know that Jesus heals,

          That Jesus heals, that Jesus heals?

          Oh, do you know that Jesus heals

          Through the power of God?


          Oh yes, I know that Jesus heals,

          That Jesus heals, that Jesus heals.

          Oh yes, I know that Jesus heals

          Through the power of God!


          Say: What we did to help our balloon man was pretty amazing. But what Jesus did to heal the people was way more amazing and very special. He made people better when they were sick. He fixed things that were broken. Jesus is amazing and powerful! And Jesus can use his power to heal us, too.


Deeper Bible [15 min]

Do You Know That Jesus Heals?

Hear the Verse

          Say: Today we heard about how Jesus healed many people! They were sick and he made them better. The Bible says that no matter what their sickness was, when Jesus touched them with his hand, he healed every one.

          Show the Bible. Say: That’s our Bible verse for today. Let’s say it together. Have the children repeat the modified verse with you: No matter their sickness (put hands on hips and shake head “no”), Jesus healed every one with his hand (touch someone’s shoulder) (Luke 4:40).

          Say: Jesus healed the people in the Bible; he made them better when they were sick. And Jesus can heal us, too! Let’s sing a song about that.


Learn a Song

          Teach kids these lyrics to the tune of “Do You Know the Muffin Man?”


          Do you know that Jesus heals,

          That Jesus heals, that Jesus heals?

          Oh, do you know that Jesus heals

          Through the power of God?


          Oh yes, I know that Jesus heals,

          That Jesus heals, that Jesus heals.

          Oh yes, I know that Jesus heals

          Through the power of God!


Use the Song to Play a Game

          Have kids stand in a line. Choose one child to join hands with you and walk in a circle as everyone sings the song above.

          When you get to the end of the first verse, choose another child to join the circle and walk with you as you sing the second verse.

          Continue singing the song, adding a new child each round until everyone is in the circle. Then sing:


          Now we ALL know that Jesus heals,

          That Jesus heals, that Jesus heals.

          Now we ALL know that Jesus heals,

          Through the power of God!


          If time allows, start over, choosing a different way to move in the circle. For example, you could hop or march instead of walking.

High-Energy Game [10 min]

Sick, Sick, Healed

Play Duck, Duck, Goose

          Say: Today we heard how Jesus healed people. They were sick, and when he touched them with his hand, he made them better. Let’s play a game to help us remember that Jesus heals us.

          Lead kids in playing this version of Duck, Duck, Goose. The children will sit in a circle and one child will be “It.” Have It walk around the outside of the circle saying, “Sick, sick, healed.” It won’t touch a child when saying “sick,” but rather just put his or her hand over the other child’s head. When It says “healed,” he or she will touch the other child’s head. When a child is “healed,” he or she will jump up and chase It around the circle. Continue playing with the typical “Duck, Duck, Goose” game rules.

          Make sure all the children get a turn to be “healed.”


Talk About It

          Say: As in our game, Jesus healed the people when he touched them with his hand!

          Ask: • How did you feel when you were healed in our game?

          • What do you think the people in the Bible felt when they were healed by Jesus?

          Say: It must’ve been really exciting for the people to get better when Jesus healed them! We can always ask Jesus to heal us like he did for the people in the Bible. Remember that Jesus heals us!

Low-Energy Game [10 min]

Find Healing


  • adhesive bandages (at least 1 per child)

Easy Prep

  • Hide the adhesive bandages around the room.

Find the Bandages

          Say: When people heard that Jesus heals us, they brought their sick mommies, daddies, brothers, sisters, and friends to Jesus. And they brought the sick people fast—Jesus healed Simon’s mother-in-law during the day, and they brought their families that night! Let’s play a fast game to help us think about that.

          Show an adhesive bandage. Say: Sometimes when we’re sick or hurt, we put on a bandage and it makes us feel better. As fast as you can, find all the bandages and bring them to me. Tell kids how many you hid.

          Have the children find the adhesive bandages around the room and bring them to you. Encourage them to count them to make sure they found them all.

          After all the bandages are found, say: Great job bringing all the bandages to me! Just like Jesus can heal us, the bandages help us feel better when we’re sick.

          Have the children cover their eyes while you hide the bandages again. Continue playing several rounds. Older preschoolers can take turns hiding the bandages, too.


Talk About It

          Say: Our game reminded me of the Bible story. People brought their family and friends to Jesus so he could heal them, just like you brought all the bandages to me in our game.

          You can still bring friends and family to Jesus when they’re sick.

          Share about someone you love who you want to pray for.

          Ask: • Tell about someone you love who you want to pray to Jesus for.

          Say: Jesus always wants us to come to him. We can always ask Jesus to heal us!

Life Application Wrap-Up [5 min]

Pray for Jesus’ Healing Power


  • adhesive bandages
  • “Hand” handout (1 copy) (download here)*
  • “Person” handout (1 copy for every 4 kids) (download here)*

Think of People Who Need Healing

          Gather the children around the “Hand” handout and “Person” handouts you hung on the wall during the Core Bible Discovery activity. Say: Jesus heals us, and Jesus can heal anyone.

          Point to the “Hand” handout. Say: When Jesus touched the sick people, they got better. Point to the “Person” handouts. We hung these around the hand because we wanted to bring people in our family and friends who are sick to Jesus.

          Remind the children of the people they brought to the “Hand” handout, and as you do, hand each child an adhesive bandage.



          Say: Jesus can heal each of the people you talked about. Let’s pray for Jesus to heal them.

          Let kids take turns bringing their bandages to their “Person” handouts. When a child puts a bandage on a handout, have everyone say, “Jesus, we pray for [person’s name].”

          Close the prayer: Jesus, we pray that you will heal each person who is sick or hurt. In your name, amen.

          Thank the children for coming to church, and remind them that they can ask Jesus anytime they need healing.

Take-Home [0 min]

Dig In @ Home


  • this week’s “Dig In @ Home” handout (1 per child) (download here)

Easy Prep

  • Add your church announcements to the “Dig In @ Home” handout.

           Distribute a copy of the “Dig In @ Home” handout to kids as they leave, or email it to parents during the week.