Lesson 10: Jesus Heals a Bleeding Woman and Restores a Girl to Life

Classroom: Full Lesson Children's Church Leader Guide for One Room
Mark 5:21-43; Matthew 9:18-26; Luke 8:40-56

Teachers Dig In


Dig In to the Bible

  • Read: Mark 5:21-43; Matthew 9:18-26; Luke 8:40-56
  • In This Passage: Jairus, a man with a dying daughter, asks Jesus for help. As Jesus travels to Jairus’ house, another woman, who has been sick for 12 years, touches his robe to receive healing. Her faith heals her. During the journey, Jairus’ daughter dies. But Jesus is able to bring her back to life because Jesus has power over sickness and death!
  • Bible Point: Jesus has power over sickness and death.
  • Summary Verse: “But Jesus overheard them and said to Jairus, ‘Don’t be afraid. Just have faith’ ” (Mark 5:36).


Dig Deeper

  • You’ll Be Teaching: Jesus has power over sickness and death. Many kids have lost a loved one or know someone who is seriously ill. Times like that can make kids wonder, Where’s God? Can’t he help? This lesson will help kids see that Jesus has the power over all sickness and death, and we can have faith that his plan is best.
  • Think About: Do you know someone who is seriously ill? When have you lost a loved one? How have those situations helped you see Jesus’ power—or made you question it?


Dig In to Prayer

  • Pray for kids who have a close friend or family member with a terminal illness. Ask Jesus to show his power in that situation.


Quick Tip

  • Sometimes you may wonder if you’re getting through to the kids in your class. Take heart: You really are! Watch how kids respond during class, and be aware that kids process information differently. Some may think quietly on their own, others may process information best by talking it over with someone else, and still others may draw pictures or hum a song. Your important job is to provide the setting for learning. Then relax and let the Holy Spirit do the rest!

This Lesson at a Glance

Opening[ 5 min ]

Kids share about a topic related to the lesson.


  • Bible

Music Video [ 10 min ]

Kids sing songs of praise to God.


  • “My God Is Powerful” music video (watch or download here)
  • “I Sing the Mighty Power of God” music video (watch or download here)
  • “I Will Not Be Afraid” music video (watch or download here)

Craft [ 20 min ]

Kids make a balloon rocket that knocks down sickness and death.


  • 5x20-inch or larger pieces of corrugated cardboard (1 per child)
  • wooden skewers (2 per child)
  • fishing line
  • drinking straws (1 per child)
  • scissors
  • duct tape
  • transparent tape
  • uninflated balloons (1 per child)
  • paper
  • markers
  • stickers

Easy Prep

  • Make a sample craft to show kids.

Core Bible Discovery [ 20 min ]

Kids journey with Jesus, trying to get to a dying girl before it’s too late.


  • Bible
  • beach ball
  • masking tape

Easy Prep

  • Make a narrow masking tape path from one side of the room to the other.
  • Have your helper inflate the beach ball.
  • Practice with your helper ahead of time to figure out the timing of deflating the beach ball.

Talk-About Video [ 10 min ]

Kids watch a video and discuss the Bible Point.


  • “Cole’s Story” teaching video (watch or download here)

Object Lesson [ 10 min ]

Kids experience the power of water to prevent a balloon from popping.


  • balloons (at least 4)
  • taper candle
  • matches or lighter
  • water

Easy Prep

  • Inflate 3 of the balloons, and tie them off.
  • Fill the fourth balloon with air and water. You’ll need someone to help you. Inflate the balloon about ¾ full. While holding the balloon at the neck to keep the air in, have the other person quickly place the balloon on the spout of a faucet. Turn on the faucet to add about half a cup of cold water into the balloon while the other person holds the mouth of the balloon in place on the spout. Turn off the water, and tie the balloon shut.

Deeper Bible [ 15 min ]

Kids explore how Jesus will raise us to life in heaven.


  • Bibles
  • dirty pennies (1 per child)
  • cups
  • white vinegar
  • salt
  • cups of water (1 for every 4 kids)
  • paper towels
  • measuring cup
  • teaspoon

Easy Prep

  • For every 4 kids, pour ¼ cup of white vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt into a cup.

High-Energy Game [ 10 min ]

Kids play Keep Away with an object called “The Power.”


  • ball or stuffed animal
  • upbeat music (optional)
  • music player (optional)

Low-Energy Game [ 10 min ]

Kids make a knot with their arms, and an Untangler helps them.


  • upbeat music (optional)
  • music player (optional)

Life Application Wrap-Up [ 5 min ]

Kids make cards and pray for sick people.


  • generic encouragement cards (1 per child)
  • pens

Easy Prep

  • Make a list of people in your church congregation or in your community who are sick or have recently lost a loved one.          

Take-Home [ 0 min ]

Kids receive a take-home page about the lesson.


  • this week’s “Dig In @ Home” handout (1 per child) (download here)

Easy Prep

  • Add your church announcements to the “Dig In @ Home” handout.

*Marked supplies are also used in Core Bible Discovery

Let's keep kids safe! You can help by using supplies as instructed for only ages 3+, purchasing child-safe items, and being aware of allergy concerns.

Opening [5 min]



  • Bible


          Thank kids for coming.

          Just for fun, have kids wave at three people they’re not sitting near.

          Make announcements.

          Introduce new kids.

          Celebrate birthdays by having kids say “Yadhtrib yppah” (“happy birthday” backward).

          Collect the offering.


Introduce the Lesson

          Say: Today we’ll learn about a time Jesus healed a woman and brought a girl back to life. Jesus has power over sickness and death!



          Say: We all get sick at times. When that happens, it’s nice to have things that help us feel better.

          Tell about something that makes you feel better when you’re sick.

          Have kids get in pairs and tell each other about things that make them feel better when they’re sick.

          After partners have discussed, ask two or three kids to share with the whole group what they talked about with their partners.

          Say: Thanks for sharing the things that help you feel better! Jesus can help us feel better when we’re sick, because Jesus has power over sickness and death!



          Open a Bible, and say: Today we’ll learn what Jesus did to show that he has power over sickness and death! We’ll dig into the Bible to see what it says about that power, because we know everything in the Bible is true and is from God. Let’s take a moment to talk to God as we get started.

          Pray, thanking Jesus that he has power over sickness and death.

Music Video [10 min]

My God Is Powerful


  • “My God Is Powerful” music video (watch or download here)
  • “I Sing the Mighty Power of God” music video (watch or download here)
  • “I Will Not Be Afraid” music video (watch or download here)



Sing Songs to God

          Sing the three songs in any order.

Craft [20 min]

Sickness Blaster


  • 5x20-inch or larger pieces of corrugated cardboard (1 per child)
  • wooden skewers (2 per child)
  • fishing line
  • drinking straws (1 per child)
  • scissors
  • duct tape
  • transparent tape
  • uninflated balloons (1 per child)
  • paper
  • markers
  • stickers

Easy Prep

  • Make a sample craft to show kids.


Make a Blaster

          Say: Jesus has power over sickness and death! Let’s make a sickness blaster to demonstrate that power.

          Assign an older child to each preschooler. The older child can help the younger child with this craft, which will be too hard for preschoolers to do. Preschoolers can use their time to focus on decorating the cardboard with stickers and markers.

          Have kids poke one wooden skewer through each end of the cardboard to make poles. Then have them secure the skewers in place with duct tape.

          Have kids cut a 5-inch piece of drinking straw, thread that on the fishing line, and then tie the line to the top of one of the poles. Have kids cut fishing line long enough to tie to the second skewer pole, keeping the line taut between the poles. Have kids secure the knots with duct tape so that the fishing line is securely connected to the top of the poles.

          Finally, have kids use transparent tape to attach an uninflated balloon to the straw (see photo for placement).


Make Sickness Tents

          Have kids cut pieces of paper to about 6x2 inches and then fold each piece of paper into a tent. Each child will need three to five tents. Kids can write on each tent a different kind of sickness or even the word death, and they can include ailments from the Bible story. Preschoolers can just decorate their tents with spots to represent sickness. Kids can decorate these tents and also the cardboard base of their sickness blasters as time allows.


Use the Craft

          Have kids try out their sickness blasters. First they’ll arrange the tents with the sicknesses under the fishing line. Then they’ll blow up the balloon and release it, letting it fly down the string to knock over the tents. Kids can try to get all of their tents knocked down in one shot.

          Ask: • How does this craft remind you of Jesus’ power over sickness and death?

          Have kids take their craft home and try it out with their families, arranging the tents in different ways to see how to get the most power to knock them down.

Core Bible Discovery [20 min]

Jesus Heals a Bleeding Woman & Restores a Girl to Life (Mark 5:21-43; Matthew 9:18-26; Luke 8:40-56)


  • Bible
  • beach ball
  • masking tape

Easy Prep

  • Make a narrow masking tape path from one side of the room to the other.
  • Have your helper inflate the beach ball.
  • Practice with your helper ahead of time to figure out the timing of deflating the beach ball.

Talk About It

          Have kids all sit on one side of the room. Have a helper sit at the other end of the path with the beach ball.

          Say: Today’s story will show us that Jesus has power over sickness and death. We’ve all been sick at one time or another, and it’s not very fun. One time I was so sick… Tell kids about a time you were really miserable being sick. Then have kids form pairs and tell their partners about times they were miserable being sick.


Journey With Jairus

          Say: A 12-year-old girl in the Bible was so sick, she was about to die! Her dad had heard that Jesus has power over sickness and death, so he went to ask Jesus for help.

          Read Mark 5:22-23.

          Say: Imagine that this beach ball is the little girl. Every little bit of air that comes out of the beach ball is like a little more life going out of the girl. Have the helper unplug the beach ball and start squeezing air out slowly.

          Say: She’s dying, and Jesus needs to get to her before she dies! Jairus, her dad, must be in a big hurry. But there’s a problem. Jesus can’t walk very quickly because there’s a big crowd.

          Read Mark 5:24.

          Say: Let’s all walk together down this narrow path to get to the girl. We’ll have to crowd in so everyone can fit. And as you walk, you’ll need to try to get to and tap just one other person—without touching anyone else. Have kids look around and silently choose who they’re going to try to tap. Kids can’t choose a partner who is also trying to tap them; in fact, it will work better if kids aren’t working with a partner.

          Have kids start traveling down the path, trying to get to the person they’re trying to touch. After kids get about halfway down the path, have everyone stop.

          Ask: • What was it like trying to get to the one person you needed to tap?

          • How could you tell if someone was touching you on purpose or by accident?

          Say: As Jesus traveled to heal the dying girl, a sick woman in the crowd was trying to touch Jesus because she knew Jesus has power over sickness and death. Let’s read about that.

          Read Mark 5:24-28.

          Ask: • Why do you think she just wanted to touch Jesus, rather than talking to him and asking for healing?

          Say: Even though there was a big crowd pressing in around him, Jesus knew someone had been healed by touching him. Here’s what he said.

          Read Mark 5:30-31.

          Ask: • How do you think Jesus could tell the difference between someone touching him on purpose and touching him by accident?

          Say: Meanwhile, the little girl was still dying! Have your helper hold up the beach ball and show how little air is left in it.

          Ask: • While Jesus stopped and tried to figure out who had touched him, how do you think Jairus felt?

          Say: Jesus kept trying to figure out who had touched him. He looked all around, and finally the woman came forward. She’d already been healed just from touching Jesus, but Jesus wanted her to know why she was healed and that she was right to have faith in his power over sickness and death.

          Read Mark 5:34.

          By now, your helper should have the beach ball completely deflated.

          Say: Let’s check in with the little girl. Have your helper hold up the deflated ball.

          Say: Oh no! All that stopping and talking took too much time. Jesus was too late.

          Read Mark 5:35.

          Ask: • How do you think Jairus felt then?

          Say: Jesus had just shown he had power over sickness when he healed the woman in the crowd. But now Jairus’ daughter wasn’t sick anymore—she was dead. His messengers even said there was no use bothering Jesus anymore.

          But Jesus knew he had power over not just sickness, but death, too! Here’s what he said to Jairus.

          Read Mark 5:36.

          Say: Let’s keep traveling to Jairus’ daughter and see what Jesus could do. Lead kids in walking the rest of the way to your helper with the beach ball.

          Say: When Jesus got to the house, he told everyone to stop crying. He said the girl wasn’t dead, she was just sleeping. Everyone laughed at Jesus. They knew the little girl was dead. But then Jesus did something pretty amazing.

          Read Mark 5:41-42.


Pray and Celebrate

          Say: As [name of helper] reinflates the beach ball, think about what it means to you that Jesus has power over sickness and death. Is there someone you know who is really sick or dying? Pray for that person as you watch our “little girl” beach ball come back to life.

          Have your helper reinflate the ball as kids pray.

          When the ball is reinflated, hold it up and pray: Thank you, Jesus, that you have power over sickness and death!

          Say: The girl was alive again! She could walk and jump around! Let’s make our ball “jump” as we celebrate Jesus’ power over sickness and death. Toss the ball up, and have kids keep the ball in the air, saying “Yay, Jesus!” whenever they hit the ball.

Talk-About Video [10 min]

Cole’s Story


  • “Cole’s Story” teaching video (watch or download here)



Discuss and Watch “Cole’s Story”

          Say: Today we’re learning that Jesus has power over sickness and death. We’ve seen what that means in the Bible, but what about in our lives today? Let’s watch a video about a boy named Cole and his father.

          Watch “Cole’s Story.”

          Ask: • When have you had some of the same feelings that Cole shares about in this video? Share an example from your own life first, and then have kids share in small groups of three. After about three minutes, invite a few kids to share their experiences with the larger group.

          Say: Cole’s mom repeated some verses from the Bible that helped their family during this time. Those verses from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 say, “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

          Ask: • How could these verses be helpful when someone we love is sick?

          Say: Another verse that is mentioned in this video is Psalm 147:3. It says, “He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.” How does this verse remind you that Jesus has power over sickness and death?

          Take time at the end of this activity to pray for kids who are sick or who are coping with a sick family member. Thank God for his power to heal.

Object Lesson [10 min]

Don’t Pop!


  • balloons (at least 4)
  • taper candle
  • matches or lighter
  • water

Easy Prep

  • Inflate 3 of the balloons, and tie them off.
  • Fill the fourth balloon with air and water. You’ll need someone to help you. Inflate the balloon about ¾ full. While holding the balloon at the neck to keep the air in, have the other person quickly place the balloon on the spout of a faucet. Turn on the faucet to add about half a cup of cold water into the balloon while the other person holds the mouth of the balloon in place on the spout. Turn off the water, and tie the balloon shut.

Experiment With Balloons

          Say: The people we heard about today were sick and no one could help them get better. One girl even died! But Jesus helped them. Let’s do something to help us think about Jesus’ power over sickness and death.

          Have kids gather around the candle. Make sure the candle is on a solid surface away from anything flammable. Also, make sure the kids are close enough to see, but far enough away from the candle that they won’t be able to touch it.

          Show the three balloons without water in them. Say: Let’s do some experimenting with these balloons. Light the candle.

          Ask: • What do you think will happen if we put a balloon over this candle?

          Hold a balloon over the candle. Slowly bring it toward the flame until it pops.

          Ask: • What are some other ways to hold a balloon near the flame that might not make it pop?

          After kids suggest ideas, try the best ideas. The balloons will pop each time they get close to the flame.

          Say: I know another way to put a balloon over this candle so it won’t pop. Bring out the balloon with water in it, and hold the balloon over the flame. Explain that the heat caused the other balloons to pop, but the water gives this balloon a special power that keeps it from popping.


Talk About It

          Ask:  • What were you thinking and feeling as we tried each balloon?

          • If the balloons that had only air are like being sick, how is Jesus like the water?

          Say: Even when people are really sick or hurting, Jesus is with them like the water in the balloons. He has power over sickness and death, so he can stop our sickness. And even if he doesn’t, we know he’ll be with us.

Deeper Bible [15 min]

Why Doesn’t Jesus Bring People Back to Life Anymore?


  • Bibles
  • dirty pennies (1 per child)
  • cups
  • white vinegar
  • salt
  • cups of water (1 for every 4 kids)
  • paper towels
  • measuring cup
  • teaspoon

Easy Prep

  • For every 4 kids, pour ¼ cup of white vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt into a cup.


          Say: Today we’re learning that Jesus has power over sickness and death. We learned that Jesus brought a little girl who died back to life!

          But does Jesus have that kind of power today? You might know of someone who died—and didn’t come back to life. Why doesn’t Jesus bring people back to life anymore? Does he really have power over death? Let’s dig into that.


Talk About It

          Say: Think about a story you’ve heard, maybe in a book or online, where someone claimed that they did die and come back to life. Have kids share examples. If no kids think of anything, you could share the example of Colton Burpo, the little boy from the book and movie Heaven Is for Real. In the book, Colton takes a trip to heaven while in a life-or-death surgery but comes back to life on earth to tell about it.

          Ask: • Do you believe those stories? Why or why not?

          • Why do you think people have a hard time believing stories like that?

          • How are those stories like what happened in today’s Bible story? How are they different?

          Say: We don’t know if those stories are true or false. We know there have been some people who made up stories like that and admitted later that they weren’t true. But for others, only God knows if that event really happened.

          Whether or not we believe those stories, we can believe everything the Bible says. We know Jesus had power over death when he raised Jairus’ daughter back to life. And we can learn some other things about what Jesus does for us when we die.


Explore 1 Corinthians 15

          Say: As you hear these verses, listen for what is going to happen to your body after you die if you believe in Jesus.

          Read aloud 1 Corinthians 15:42-44.

          Ask: • What do you think of the idea of being brought back to life like this?

          • How is this different from being brought back to life on earth?

          Say: Let’s see what else this part of the Bible says about Jesus bringing us back to life. Listen for what this says about new bodies.

          Read aloud 1 Corinthians 15:52-53.

          Ask: • What do you hope your new body can do that you can’t do right now?


Make “New” Pennies

          Say: Our earthly bodies aren’t perfect. We get sick sometimes. And even though Jesus has power over sickness and death, it’s no fun to be sick. As we age, our bodies get weaker. And eventually, our bodies die.

          But these verses talked about new bodies—ones that won’t ever die!

          Give each child a dirty penny, and have kids form mixed-age groups of four. Give each group a cup of the salt and vinegar mixture, and have kids put their pennies in the cup.

          Say: Those pennies are kind of like our bodies on earth. They’re all dirty, which can remind us of the fact that our bodies can get messed up. We can break bones or stub our toes. But Jesus has power over sickness and death, and when you die he’ll bring you back to life! Not life on earth, but life with a new body in heaven! So Jesus does bring people back to life—anyone who believes in him gets a new life—forever! Wow!

          Have kids pull their pennies out of the vinegar and dip them in the cups of water. Then have kids dry their pennies off on paper towels and see how much cleaner they look.

          Say: The clean pennies can remind you of how much better your body will be when Jesus brings you back to life. Let’s hold up our pennies and celebrate Jesus’ power over sickness and death as we read some more from the same part of the Bible.

          Read 1 Corinthians 15:54-55.

          Have kids repeat verse 55 after you several times in a celebratory way:

          O death, where is your victory?

          O death, where is your sting?

          Ask: • Why is Jesus’ power over death in these verses even better than him just bringing people back to life on earth?

          Say: It can be sad when someone we love dies. Jairus and his family were crying when his daughter died because they were sad. And Jesus brought her back to life. But even if that doesn’t happen for our loved ones, we can trust that Jesus does bring them back to life—a new life in a new, amazing body!

High-Energy Game [10 min]

Power Play


  • ball or stuffed animal
  • upbeat music (optional)
  • music player (optional)


  • If you used the Music Video block, consider repeating the songs from today’s lesson during the game. You can find the album here.


Recommended for 5 or more kids.


Play a Version of Keep Away

          Have about half the kids form a large circle. The other half of the kids will stand scattered around the inside of the circle.

          Hold up the ball or stuffed animal. Say: This item will now be called “The Power.” If you’re standing inside the circle, your goal is to get The Power. But the kids forming the circle will try to toss The Power around without letting anyone in the middle get it. If someone in the middle gets The Power, that person will trade places with whoever threw it.

          Play as long as time allows. If there are some kids in the middle who've been stuck there for several minutes, mix things up and have everyone trade roles.


Talk About It

          Ask: • What was it like trying to get The Power when you were in the middle of the circle?

          • How is that like or unlike the way we get power from Jesus?

          • Why do some people get to experience Jesus’ power over sickness and death, but others don’t?

          Say: Jesus has power over sickness and death! But unlike the kids in our game, Jesus isn’t trying to keep his power away from anyone. When we need Jesus’ power, we can just ask for his help. He may not use his power the way we expect, but we can always trust him to use his power in our lives.

Low-Energy Game [10 min]

Tangled Knot


  • upbeat music (optional)
  • music player (optional)

Recommended for 6 or more kids.



  • If you used the Music Video block, consider repeating the songs from today’s lesson during the game. You can find the album here.


Untangle a Human Knot

          Say: Jairus and the sick woman in the crowd had problems they couldn’t fix on their own. That’s why they came to Jesus. Let’s see what it’s like to face a problem that’s hard to fix on our own.

          Choose an older child to be the “Untangler.”

          Have the rest of the kids form a knot by getting in a huddle and joining hands with two different kids across from them. You’ll need to help preschoolers with this.

          Say: The Untangler will give directions to help untangle the knot. Follow the Untangler’s directions without letting go of other people’s hands.

          If you like, play upbeat music as kids play.

          Have the Untangler give directions to help untangle the knot. After two minutes, have someone in the knot change places with the Untangler and continue the game.

          If the Untangler is able to untangle the knot, choose a new Untangler and have kids form a new knot to play the game again.

          Play as long as time allows.


Talk About It

          Ask the Untanglers: • How did you feel when a direction you gave to untangle the knot didn’t work?

          Ask those who were in the knot: • How did you feel when the Untangler helped you get untangled in a way you didn’t think would work?

          Say: Like in our game, we don’t always know how to fix the problems we face—especially when we’re sick or someone we know is sick. But Jesus has ways of fixing those problems because Jesus has power over sickness and death.

Life Application Wrap-Up [5 min]

Encourage and Pray for the Sick


  • generic encouragement cards (1 per child)
  • pens

Easy Prep

  • Make a list of people in your church congregation or in your community who are sick or have recently lost a loved one.          

Write Notes of Encouragement

          Say: Today we learned that Jesus has power over sickness and death. He healed sick people and brought people back to life! Jesus still uses his power to help us today.

          Distribute the encouragement cards. Say: We have people in our church and community who are sick or hurting, and we can let them know that Jesus is with them and has the power to help them.  

          Have kids write short notes of encouragement on the cards. Younger kids can draw pictures. Depending on the number of people on your premade list, you can have several kids make a card for one person, or you can have each child make a card for a different person. If kids have someone in their own lives who they want to encourage, they can make the card for that person instead of someone on your list.


Pray for Others

          Have the children gather together and give you the cards. Put the cards in one stack. Say: Thank you for writing notes to these sick and hurting people. Let’s pray for them, too.

          Have all the children put their hands on the stack of cards together. If you have too many kids to do that, make more than one stack. Lead children in a prayer for the people they wrote cards to. Invite children to say simple prayers, too. For example, they can say, “Jesus, please be with our friend [name] who has [sickness],” or “Jesus, please use your power to help [name].”

          After closing the prayer, say: Thanks for coming to church today! I hope you’ll come back next week!

          If any kids wrote their cards to someone who’s not on your list, make sure they get their cards back so they can deliver them.

Take-Home [0 min]

Dig In @ Home


  • this week’s “Dig In @ Home” handout (1 per child) (download here)

Easy Prep

  • Add your church announcements to the “Dig In @ Home” handout.

           Distribute a copy of the “Dig In @ Home” handout to kids as they leave, or email it to parents during the week.