Men’s ministry is committed to equipping men to believe, belong, and become like Jesus Christ. With our Men’s accountability groups, FBC provides men with the opportunity to bear one another’s burdens: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).

Video Streams and Archive

Watch previous Men’s Ministry gatherings on Men’s Ministry YouTube channel. 



Join us each Wednesday morning at 6am -7am at First Baptist Church Ministry Center for our Forged Men’s Ministry. This is a great time of worship in song and mentorship from  the Word of God for men of all ages. Watch on our  Men’s Ministry YouTube Channel.


Theologian Paul David Tripp said “God isn’t just after your mind; he’s after your heart. And he’s not just after your heart; he’s after everything that makes up you. His truths (doctrines) are the ecosystem in which the garden of personal transformation grows.”

We invite you to gather for a time of community and breakfast followed by a transformative time in the Word of God. We will gather in the community on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the Month (7-8:30 am) for a time in God’s eternal breath. This is open to men and women of all ages..