Women’s Ministry

Women’s spring bible study 4.9.2024-5.21.2024

Registrations opens March 1, 2024.

Tuesdays – 6:00am – 9:30am – 6:30pm


Click here to Register

  • 6am-7am: FBC Chapel with Shelanie Voorheis
  • 9:30am-11:30am: FBC Chapel with Sandy Garman (Childcare available)
  • 6:30pm-8pm: FBC Room 109 with Janine Kramer

Psalms Bible Study Book with Video Access includes printed content for six sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” and tips for leading a group.  Also, each Book contains a unique code that enables you to access free teaching videos for each session.

At the speed this world moves, few people have time to sit down and read a good long book. Ironically, the remedy for this frantic life can be found in Psalms, the longest book of the Bible.

Its length is not the only intimidating factor. Psalms is an ancient book that spans many centuries and relies on multiple authors. But the Psalms are easier to understand than you may realize. And studying them can lead you to new discoveries, relief, awe, and surprise.

In this study, Ray Ortlund will help you see that the Psalms are a place that God has provided to encounter Him and find help, rest, honesty, hope, courage, joy, and the confidence you need to face this crazy life.

● Six small group sessions
● Access to 11- to 17-minute videos featuring author Ray Ortlund (included with purchase)
● Promotional content, including promotional video
● Six individual session videos to use in personal study

● Learn to be a better reader of a popular and well-loved genre of Scripture.
● Find hope in your current struggles and learn to see the work of God in and beyond them.
● Be restored into a deep and abiding relationship with God.
● Gather courage to know that you are made and loved by God and therefore can take on whatever comes your way.
● Rejoice in sorrow and affliction knowing that God will guide you.
● Implement a time tested spiritual rhythm of lament to process your grief and struggles in a God-honoring way.
● Take your hurt to God and be received as a beloved son or daughter.
● Praise God using His Word as a template.
● Be joyful in any circumstance because of God’s grace.


Women’s Ministry Spring Tea.   ——-   “Lessons in the Garden with God”

Shelanie Voorheis, speaker

Saturday, May 18th at 11:00am
Cost is $25 per person or $200 per table.
Includes a beautiful lunch, an inspirational message, a potting demonstration, prizes, a chance to win garden quilt, and more!
Invite a friend and register today at fbcpaso.org.

Register Here

Mending the Soul – resumes in the fall.
This ministry is designed to help women who have experienced trauma through abuse or neglect walk through a Biblical path to healing. It is estimated that one in three women worldwide have been subjected to this type of abuse at some point in their lives. And praise be to God–the Bible is not silent about how to find healing, and even flourishing, after experiencing this kind of pain.
Our Mending the Soul groups are led by trained and compassionate women who have walked through this program themselves and who are committed to following Jesus’ footsteps in proclaiming “pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to set the burdened and battered free… for Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you!” (Luke 4:18, Galatians 5:1; paraphrased in The MSG).

These groups are completely confidential. They generally meet once a week for somewhere between 12-20 weeks, depending on the needs of the group, and may decide to meet on our FBC campus or in the home of one of the group leaders, depending on the group’s desires.

The process of joining the group begins with filling out a few intake forms and meeting with the group leader to determine whether or not this program is a good fit for you at this time in your life. The cost of joining the group is $25 (FBC subsidizes about half of the cost of the books, which are normally $50+). If you are interested in joining, you can call or email with any questions or requests for more information at: fbcpasowomen@gmail.com or (805) 238-4419.


Facebook: Women’s Ministry of First Baptist Church Paso 

YouTube: women’s ministry first baptist church paso robles